It's kind of cheap to begin a column with a quote from Yogi Berra. But I'm not an expensive person--so here goes: "It's déjà vu all over again." Fannie Maeneeds more help from the government. This week the giant loser announced it had lost $29 billion during the third quarter. We don't know yet what happened over at Freddie Mac, but it's bound to be as grim.
Sic transit the general rejoicing when, back in September, hapless Henry Paulson, the secretary of the Treasury, announced the conservatorship of Fan and Fred and raised the possibility that the two giants could disappear.
His plan envisioned a process of one step back and then many steps forward. The step backward? Over the next year, given the housing crisis, Fan and Fred would be allowed to expand their portfolios of mortgage-backed securities. The many steps forward? Starting in 2010, the siblings would have to shrink those portfolios each year by 10%. Smaller and smaller until they wither down to $250 billion each from their current size of almost $800 billion.
Conservatorship is not meant to be a permanent state. And Paulson didn't say exactly what would happen once the giant losers had withered because, as congressionally chartered institutions, that's up to Congress. Instead he hoped that conservatorship would stabilize Fan and Fred while Congress figures out what to do.
Well, the very prospect of shrinking Fan and Fred generated relief among many reasonable people. There are no good, or even medium-OK, reasons for the housing market to be held hostage to Fan and Fred. Housing is already heavily subsidized and mortgage-financing can be better provided by private banks competing among themselves.
Even more persuasive, there are tons of reasons why Fan and Fred should evanesce. Their business model--publicly subsidized but privately profited firms--yields massively leveraged portfolios, incompetent but grossly compensated management, a huge lobbying establishment and political pork galore.
Of course there was no rejoicing from one of Fan and Fred's chief cheerleaders--Congressman Barney Frank. When asked about the shrinkage of Fan and Fred's portfolios, he responded: "Good luck on that." And then went on to characterize such an idea as a "sop" to the right, not a policy possibility. Simply put: It ain't going to happen on his watch.
Frank's words were, apparently, not lost on the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. Next thing you know, Bernanke was proposing taking many steps back and none forward. His main point? Even if Fan and Fred were privatized, some sort of "government backstop" would be necessary in"times of turmoil."
Bernanke's notion of backstopping would, alarmingly, draw taxpayers deeper and deeper into backstopping not only Fan and Fred, but a great portion of the country's financial system.
He suggested the creation of government bond insurance for both mortgage-debt and mortgage-backed securities. This government insurance, rather like the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., would be available to both Fan and Fred and private banks. He also wondered about creating a government framework to encourage covered bonds. Covered bonds are backed by a dedicated pool of quality assets and need an enormous amount of government regulatory and statutory oversight.
He even trotted out a model of Fan and Fred as…ready?... public utilities. This would, as he said, "tie the government-sponsored enterprises even more closely to the government." (Yikes! Even I couldn't make this up.)
And the ultimate in déjà vu--which would be hilarious if it weren't so frightening--is that under the public utility model, Fan and Fred would be overseen by a public board. In other words, a nice spot for politicians. Perhaps Barney Frank.
Now, sure, Bernanke did point out the public-utility model carries the dangers of runaway costs, and he admitted it would continue the conflict between private and public interests and incentives. As for my part, I admit the problem of just what to do with even the shrunken giants isn't easily solved.
But Bernanke is going in the wrong direction.
The country and, for sure, taxpayers, need an exit strategy for Fan and Fred, not a resurrection plan. Given the incentives embedded in any model that depends on government backstopping, the absence of an effective exit strategy will mean it'll really be déjà vu all over again in a decade or two.
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meqalaler niye ingilis dilindedir?
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