Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Barack Obama, Supply-Sider?" - Kevin Hassett, Forbes

If you paid attention to the political rhetoric that President-elect Barack Obama engaged in during the Democratic primary, then you probably expected his economic team to be made up of left-wing ideologues. When Obama took a rare holiday from blaming all of America's problems on NAFTA and deregulation, he bashed Hillary Clinton for her cozy relationship with that corporate symbol of evil incarnate: Wal-Mart.

But that rhetoric was, we now know, just that. How "sensible" is Obama's economic team? So sensible, that one can construct a pretty stirring defense of supply-side economics relying solely on their work.

For example, the incoming head of the National Economic Council, Larry Summers, is an academic giant who early in his career published numerous path-breaking articles that highlight the importance of tax policy in influencing economic behavior. He, along with Fumio Hayashi, was the first to integrate corporate tax policy into what economists' call the "Q" model of investment. These early efforts subsequently led to an explosion of research documenting that corporate tax policy can have an enormous impact on business behavior.

He also pioneered the analysis of consumption taxes and helped kick-start the literature that to this day is the strongest case for fundamental tax reform. But the list goes on. Along with colleagues Andrew Abel, N. Gregory Mankiw and Richard Zeckhauser, he developed a technique for ascertaining whether an economy has too much or too little capital. Applying their technique to U.S. data, one finds quite decisively that we have too little capital, suggesting that capital income taxation is harmful to our long-run welfare.

In another paper with co-author Christopher Carroll, Summers documented that the divergence between savings rates in Canada and the U.S. was significantly influenced by tax policy. Tax policy that discourages savings in theory, does so in practice.

Incoming head of the Council of Economic advisers Christina Romer also has made numerous significant contributions toward our understanding of supply-side economics. Most importantly, she, along with her husband, David Romer, wrote perhaps the most important paper in the area in the last decade.

One problem hampering the study of tax policy is that it is endogenous. When the economy is bad, politicians tend to reduce tax rates. That means tax reductions tend to be associated with worse than average growth. Given that set up, it is easy to make the mistaken conclusion that tax policy is ineffective.

But the Romers had the brilliant insight that tax policy occasionally happens for reasons that are unrelated to the business cycle, that is, some tax changes are exogenous. If taxes change in 2010, for example, they will do so because the Bush tax cuts expire, something that was set in motion a decade earlier, when policymakers had no clue what the 2010 economy might look like. By isolating episodes when changes are exogenous, the Romers were able to better identify their impact than has been done in the past.

Their conclusion is striking and worth quoting, "The resulting estimates indicate that tax increases are highly contractionary. The effects are strongly significant, highly robust and much larger than those obtained using broader measures of tax changes."

As we look to the other members of the team, other examples abound, to the point that space constraints prohibit listing all of the examples. Jason Furman, who is likely to be Summers' deputy at the NEC (nasdaq: NIPNY - news people ), has an important paper documenting the positive impact that Wal-mart has on the poor. Austan Goolsbee has work documenting the large impact that tax policy can have on investment, and has estimated that the corporate income tax is associated with significant "deadweight" loss to society.

This does not mean, of course, that Obama's team will be pushing Reagan-style policy. Summers, for example, in a well-known exchange regarding the capital gains tax with economist Donald Luskin in the Wall Street Journal, clarified his thinking on the relationship between his research and his policy advice, writing that, "Widening the capital gains differential is especially bad policy today as the income distribution has become more unequal and financial innovation has done so much to elide the distinction between capital gains and other forms of income."

But it does mean that when the Obama team weighs the costs and benefits of economic policy, it will likely mark the cost of higher taxes as significantly greater than a left-wing ideologue would prefer. Given his campaign rhetoric, one can not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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