Recently, two major Uprising/Revolting index were developed and discussed. Azerbaijan was among top countries for both indices. But Armenia was not included in either of them. So I decided to calculate Armenia's and Georgia's Uprising Index.
I used Uprising Index by Dr. Acemoglu and Dr. Way.
After contacting folks at Nomura, I calculated Food Vulnerability Index for Armenia - 100.6 and Georgia - 100.3. Index for Azerbaijan is 100.8. Overall Uprising Index becomes, 0.62 for Armenia (rank 24) and 0.53 for Georgia (rank 37).
Azerbaijan is way ahead of Armenia, because it spends more on food (% of total consumption), it's slightly more corrupt and it has more number of internet users. Georgia has the same % of internet users, though you can guess, it's free and less corrupt country than Azerbaijan. Also, it has a lower food volatility index.
% of internet users in Azerbaijan might be exaggerated by local Stat.Com.. But even if it was ranked the lowest for internet usage, Azerbaijan would still make top 20 in Uprising/Revolting index.
Thus, inclusion/exclusion of Armenia doesn't affect Azerbaijan's ranking. And instead of bashing all these indices, we should just improve our numbers. Appearing below or above in this ranks won't cause uprising/revolt in Azerbaijan. Neither will bashing these indices for imperfection or bias won't keep people from uprising. The most important factor is people who struggle with so many problems and when they speak up, they see police bats in front of them. Azerbaijan should take issues with food volatility serious, especially amid currently increasing food prices.
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